Coller Capital Global Private Equity Barometer

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7 December 2022 Article Publication Video
Barometer Coller Research Institute

Coller Capital’s 37th Global Private Equity Barometer, Winter 2022-2023

We are pleased to share our 37th Coller Capital Global Private Equity Barometer.

Coller Capital’s Barometer is a unique snapshot of global trends in private equity – a twice-yearly overview of the plans and opinions of Limited Partners worldwide. This edition contains findings on:

  • Denominator effect likely to reduce the pace of PE commitments
  • Macro environment and inflation viewed as significant risks to private equity returns by LPs
  • PE and private credit are viewed as more attractive by LPs than public markets in volatile times
  • PE markets in the CEE, UK and Italy have become less attractive to LPs than four years ago
  • More LPs are investing in PE energy assets than four years ago, both renewables and hydrocarbons
  • ESG-related disclosures viewed as a gating issue for three quarters of LP
Read the press release
Coller Capital Partner Iyobosa Adeghe, and Principal Daisy Huang, present the key findings of our LP survey, which captures worldwide trends in private equity.
Read the Barometer
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